
Early Adopter's Pain (กรรมของพวกขี้เห่อ)

As you know, Apple launched their revolutionary music/internet devices, phones two months and seven days ago and sold them at ridiculous prices of $499 for 4 GB and $599 for 8 GB models, with two-year-locked $60-100 monthly subscription. Today, they've discontinued the 4 GB model and dropped the price of 8 GB version to $399. Too bad for the early adopters of Apple products. Luckily, they didn't release the hardware-modified version that allows the devices to run on the faster 3G network--the feature that Apple knows wholeheartedly that the phone lacks.

I admitted I really wanted the phone since it came out but, luckily, the firm pays for my Treo and the monthly fees for life. Although it's a crappy phone, nothing beats free stuff.

Talking just about an iPhone, I would wait until it gets to second or third hardware revision. At least it should have 3G capability and at least 16 GB of memory (the also-launched-today iPod Touch has 16 GB, same price, and is a hair thinner). Also, I would wait till it has connectivity to Exchange Mail server or I changed my job to the smart company that uses IMAP mail. :)

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