
Who Needs TV

I've been pretty strict with myself not having TV since I got here two years ago. This is because whenever I'm near TV, I just browse through and watch worthless programs or the movies I've ever seen (both are full of commercials, of course) which are really wasting a lot of my time.

Fortunately, Web 2.0 enables the socially posted video clips from the shows people think are good. I've been following Jon Stewart's Daily Show on the web. If you sort the postings by Date Added, likely you'll get good part of the show last night. Just 10 minutes a day and I can follow the show I want to see without having to be strict with its schedule. The best thing is that it's free!

A side note here: I've been wanting to follow the good current news. Web 2.0 allows that again. Digg has the feature to sort most popular user-posted stories within the day, week, month, and so on. If thousands of people think they're good, they must be at least okay and worth reading, right?