
Global Warming

OMG... Can you in Bangkok just walk outside A/C room without getting sweat? Absolutely not!

..and I'm not talking about the horrible traffic, motorcycle all over the place, taxis stopping randomly next to a junction, bus dropping passengers in the middle of the road.

But it's still home after all. Thailand, I love you... and thanks for having BTS, MTA, and taxis for us. They surely save Thai people a lot of sanity.

At the end of the day, shopping here is not really that heavenly. Clothes are most of the time above my price range anywhere at the Trio (the Paragon, Central World, and the Emporium). Anyway, I still have Jatujak waiting for me this weekend. Prepared to spend a bit over there.

I'm not that fascinated the pirated stuff like in the prior visits. Maybe I'm too old for this kind of stuff (and probably because Avis has been giving me free iTunes downloads). I didn't spend much on CDs like last time either (after I realized that the sales at DJ Siam are full of sh** most of the time). Just bought only the ones I really knew and shut my ears off when they boasted about no-name people that they produced themselves.

Lastly, food here never disappoints me. ก๋วยเตี๋ยวปลาป้าหนึง (pattaya 038 428 908), รุ่งเรืองก๋วยเตี๋ยวหมู (อีกชื่อคือ เฮียฮ่อ, สุขุมวิท 26 0-2258-6746), Bei Otto (best pork knuckle and german sausages in my opinion), เลือดหมูคุณศรี are amazing.

Will update the full list after I get back then.

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